Water God - Poseidon

Hi, this is Cindy!
Today, I am introducing the greek god--- Poseidon.
Who is Poseidon?
Poseidon is one of the 12 major greek gods. His brothers, Zeus and Hades, and himself, make up the Big Three, or the most original gods that ruled the universe.
What is Poseidon famous for?
Poseidon is the god of the sea/all water bodies, earthquakes. He is commonly known as the 'Earthshaker', because in common Greek myths, when Poseidon got angry at a particular city or town, he would punish the colonists by sending earthquakes and tsunamis to their territories.
What are Poseidon’s characteristics?
On the positive side, he is noble, wise and strong. On his good days, he would do things like create horses from seafoam. However, he is one of the moodiest gods of them all. He makes earthquakes and floods entire cities when he is upset.

The Myth of Poseidon and Medusa?

Medusa was a priest in Athena's temple.One day, when Poseidon came in to visit, he saw Medusa while in her beautiful state. When their eyes met, they knew that they liked each other, and started going out on dates. Athena becameso utraged over the violation of the sancity of her temple hat she changed poor Medusa into the monster she is remembered as today.


-Trident (represents his ultimate power over the water)


-Conch shell                

-Horses(including Pegasus, shows off his skill)

-Water bodies(Poseidon’s main realm other from Olympus, including seas, lakes, rivers, and any other water bodies)

-Sea monsters(stands for his fury

-Tidal wave(shows anger)

                                                                 The Greek Art


